Friday, September 18, 2009

you should do this.

This is the last weekend of Pioneers of Change, a Dutch Design Festival that is currently on Governor's Island, curated by Renny Ramakers, one of the co-founders of Droog. I'll be working there tomorrow, so please visit! The above images are from one of my favorite projects in the show from Atelier NL.

you inspire you. pim palsgraaf.

I recently met Pim Palsgraaf while working at the Pioneers of Change Design Festival that is happening on Governor's Island right now. He just had a solo show at 3rd Ward (what a coincidence! i said. i am a member!) and he currently resides in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Check out his work here.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

you inspire you. laura macchia.

These designs were made by my very talented and lovely friend Laura, whose work you can check out here. She makes amazing stationary and in fact designed and hand-printed her own wedding invitations which sincerely captured the mood of the event. Who needs photos when you can embody the entire spirit of a particular night through a hand-made card?

Monday, September 14, 2009

you inspire you. clare herron.

My friend Clare (who grew up in Moorestown, NJ as well!) makes awesome lingerie that you can custom order through her Etsy shop Clare Bare. Her work has been featured in BUST magazine and she has also participated in the last two BUST craft fairs. Additionally, Clare is a mural artist for an awesome organization called Groundswell that creates community mural projects throughout New York City. Based in Brookyln, she is an amazing artist and a very busy lady!

::morning inspiration::

i finally made it to the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian. they had this great exhibit Identity by Design: tradition, change and celebration in native women's dresses but it ended yesterday unfortunately, so you'll have to just imagine it.

there is also an exhibit by American Indian artist Annie Pootoogook. she is an Inuit artist who works with very simple materials like colored pencils, crayons and pen and for me her choice of medium makes her images very approachable and conveys the idea of a teenage girl drawing in her room, which I love. her work will be there until January so plenty of time to check it out!

Friday, September 11, 2009

::warm milk::hot bath::

::more images of Tarentum from Matty W's flickr::

you inspire you. kelsy parkhouse.

these adorable tops were made by my friend Kelsy who is an incredibly talented designer with great taste. you can link to her Etsy shop here.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

these kids. rockstars.

new york press reports.
new york times reports.

you inspire you. maria cabo.

My former classmate and friend, Maria Cabo, was featured on print & pattern today. I haven't seen any of her work since we graduated. I'm totally impressed. Her new prints are amazing!