Monday, October 18, 2010

CCA DR Blog Post #6

Q: Blog on an example of good data organization (a website where large amounts of information is easy to find and access - in this case "information" can be music, art, products, data, etc). What makes this organization work for you? Be sure you link to the website you cite as an example.

A: When I read this blog assignment, I immediately thought of Core77. Core77 self-describes as a "design magazine and resource" and they not only have articles related to design, a store, and a calendar of events, but they also have an online job board and you can place your portfolio on the site. There is also a list of design firms and schools. When I was applying to design schools, I used it as a resource to find schools and programs I maybe would have never heard of otherwise and I've definitely had an interview or two via the job listings. I just think it is a great way to handle the many facets of being a designer and the site encompasses a lot of different aspects; school, firms, looking for a job, and having a way for companies and studios to see your work. It's also really easy to navigate their site which is important. A website about design should, after all, be well designed.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Kristin. Interestingly, Core77 doesn't work well for me, but I'm less interested in the full range of what they offer and more interested in specific topics. Sometimes a good organizational scheme has to choose which audience they most please.
