i don't know what it is but for some reason this polaroid of my brothers that my mum took in the eighties (shown first) reminds me of some of Sally Mann's photos like this black and white one shown here.
this is a recurring section i'd like to call "in memoriam".
i borrowed the following definition from Wiktionary, which is a terrible name by the way:
in memoriam: in memory of; to the memory of; as a memorial to.
in the past six years or so, i've been forced to part with a lot of items that have been near and dear to my heart either through moving, unmentionable incidents, or just the general wear and tear that is living in new york, combined with a serious lack of storage space. over the past few years, i've become much more skilled at parting ways with clothing and accessories when their time is nigh. however, i started to photograph these items as a coping mechanism for my material separation anxiety. the first time i can recall doing this was upon leaving Prague. while packing to return to the USA i realized that i had somehow accumulated a great deal more than what i had initially arrived with...i blame it on the many second hand stores of the Czech Republic. i took photos of a pair of sambas and a Grandma Koch velour piece that i had decided to give away and thus developed a habit which will be showcased here via "in memoriam".
the first photo chosen is of my red "Vanna White" flats that i had purchased for a dollar at the Village Thrift...a wonderful thrift store near my hometown in NJ. i can't remember now why we had to part but it was good while it lasted.
on a blog that i follow, the author wrote a brief disclaimer about their work so i thought that it couldn't hurt to do the same. here it is!
DISCLAIMER:: unless otherwise noted, all artwork, photos, sketches, etc. are mine, made by me, my art. highly doubtful that anyone is going to want to rip me off, but just in case, i love sharing my work and the work of others, as long as proper acknowledgment is made. easy peasy.

i just liked these is all.
because she really is incredibly beautiful and talented and because i just saw julie & julia and loved it. and because she has a movie coming out where her romantic interests are played by alec baldwin and steve martin.

works by amy cutler.
This is a better version.