Sunday, December 20, 2009 did snow last year...

snowy scenes from last december, including the first...

...first snow...

these were taken in new jersey over my winter break from FIT in 20007/2008 so not related to this first storm of 2009/2010. the snow was crazy last night but in the wee hours of the morning when i was leaving a party it had started to calm down and all of the city was covered in white...i love how the snow makes adults act like children and everyone is giggling in the streets, throwing snowballs, making snow angels, eating yellow snow...kidding!! everyone knows you are not supposed to do that!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


he is just so freakin' adorable. look at that face!! this is why westies are always in decorating mags...too bad he's such a meanie though. fact: terriers are territorial.

best birthday card ever.

J.Lee gave me this card for my bday. it is amazing. she bought it at opening ceremony. it was made by a talented disabled artist from League Artists Natural Design. you can learn more about this non-profit, The League Treatment Center, that promotes this work and others like it here.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

::scenes from a birthday::

three tier birthday cake courtesy of Ilana E.
birthday tattoo~~not mine this year!~~but my lovely roomie's, K.Lalka
coats on my bed!! coats on my bed!! and i'm ok with it!!
exquisite birthday fleurs courtesy S.Liu
::thanks for the lovely evening mes amies::

you inspire you. margaret kilgallen.

a favorite.
images courtesy of sketchypad's photostream on flickr.

Monday, December 7, 2009

::warm milk::hot bath::

just saw An good. Carey Mulligan is darling, of course. But Olivia Williams (of Rushmore fame) plays the mousy teacher who helps steer Mulligan's character back on the right path after she is as expected, tragically disappointed by Peter Sarsgaard's character. i really love Olivia Williams and her guardian angel role in this film...sometimes, you just really need a strong moral ending after some beautifully decadent montages. also, how is it that Sarsgaard always plays the creep and yet remains inexplicably adorable??

Friday, December 4, 2009

::morning inspiration::

can you tell which were photos taken by facehunter and which is the one i took of my mum in the east end?
my mum = style icon.

have you seen this blog? My Mom, The Style Icon

Thursday, December 3, 2009

well hey there miss procrastination.

i blame this one on the holidays...

so after reading Ana Perkins blog today (particularly enjoyed the cold weather cocktails post) i felt inspired to post some important holiday info!!

the BUST Magazine Holiday Craftacular is this Sunday at the Metropolitan Pavilion @ 125 West 18th St. my friend Clare will have a booth there (the sexy photos from above are of her designs! check out her blog and her etsy) it's definitely a great way to support local designers and crafters this holiday season!

also, you should definitely check out the following Etsy shops for more holiday gift ideas::

Laura Macchia will be selling her wares at Spoke the Hub's Holiday Craft Market
Saturday December 12th 12pm-9m
Sunday December 13th 12pm-7pm
The Gowanus Arts Building, 2nd Floor
295 Douglass St between 3rd and 4th Aves.
Brooklyn, New York

ok, basically these are the Etsy shops of my friends but they are really fun to look at!! and they are all super talented and super cool and have shops that are worth checking out fo sho. so do it!! check it out!! go to some craft fairs and buy some stuff because that is what you are supposed to do during the the economy!! support local artists!! eat too many cookies!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


these shoes have been sitting in the kitchen window of my apartment since august 2nd. k.lalka and i both went to all points west on august 1st and our shoes have been caked in mud ever since. i keep going back and forth between trying to salvage mine (the bottom pair) or just throwing them out. three of the four shoes have now fallen behind the trash can and neither of us has made the effort to move them...i think it's a sign that they probably want to be trashed.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

things that do not inspire.

i feel as though the next two months will be a sad time in the life of my blog. as i have bigger fish to fry right now, i'm trying to weed out some of my favorite little procrastination tools, i.e. this blog, and hopefully late nite snacking! lord knows my thighs don't need it. turn that frown upside down though kids! posts might be sporadic but i'm sure they will sneak their way in and i'll be more diligent with posting come february.

in the meantime, here's to late nite blogs posts, festive imbibing, friends and family, and sending holiday cards!! i'm all about it this year...i'm turning 25 in two weeks so i feel like that's a very adult pursuit, and it's a great way to procrastinate-ha!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

you inspire you. momofuku fried chix.

i am definitely not a foodie, but i tend to find it hard to avoid absorbing some foodie interests living where i do. saturday night at midnight i was able to indulge in the mythical momofuku fried chicken dinner. well, i don't know if it's mythical, but it was definitely awesome. as i hear the verdict often goes, i thought the Korean-fried version beat out the Old Bay seasoned "southern style" but really, both were oh so yummy. i definitely recommend making a reservation and do it for the max amount of peeps, 8. we had 6 and there were still leftovers to be had. on that note, i'm going on blogging hiatus for this holiday week. give thanks and enjoy your holiday...remember that not everyone can eat fried chicken at midnight.

::more j.crew amour::

i love the font. and the yellow neon socks. swoon. however, cargo pants? i guess you can't get it right all of the time...

::a perfect day to profess my love for j.crew::

i've been meaning to write this post for a while now since these pics are from the october j.crew catalog. my respect for j.crew has grown so much in the past three years, and although i do love Michelle Obama, i have to say that the company was catching my eye before the obama phenomena. whoever has been manning up the creative direction there has been doing a phenomenal job, pairing the classic j.crew tweeds, plaids, cashmeres, and neutrals with quirky hipster glasses and hints of neon. and now, in the men's section of their catalog, they've started using non-models to model their clothing. in the october issue they used working artists like Stephen Shore, Billy Sullivan, and Ryan clever, so, how did they know that Stephen Shore is my favorite photographer??

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Davey.

man, you are getting old. but no matter what, Eric will always be older than you~ha! i kid.

love you,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

just in time for the holidaze...

my friend Laura, whose stationery designs i adore, just opened up an Etsy shop! and just in time for the holidaze. i am wanting to purchase the "let it snow" set myself to spread some holiday cheer! you can peruse her shop here.